$99 Security Deposit + 1 Month Free!
13-18 month lease required, must move in by 1/1/2025. COntact our leasing team for details!
Elevated Living at Five43
Luxury Homes in
Bel Air, Maryland
Ready for upgraded living? Dive into unparalleled luxury with our one, two, or three-bedroom apartments at Five43. Experience a harmonious blend of modern aesthetics, lavish amenities, and a prime location in Bel Air, Maryland. Our pet-friendly homes come equipped with thoughtful touches like smart home technology and a digital guest management system.
Spa-Like Atmosphere
Amenities You Desire
Turn your everyday into a staycation at Five43. Seamlessly transition from work to leisure with our premier onsite amenities. Tackle your work tasks with our complementary clubhouse Wi-Fi, then sign off in style. Ease into leisure mode and soak up the sun poolside or enjoy some friendly competition in our game room.
Inspiring Interiors
This Is Life Elevated
Discover a living space tailored to your lifestyle at Five43. Choose from our diverse range of 1, 2, or 3-bedroom apartments, as well as our uniquely designed loft apartments. Spanning from 980-1,900 square feet, each home offers accentuated modern features and upscale amenities that simplify your daily life. Command your day, whether you're immersing yourself in a book by the fireplace or crafting culinary delights in the chef-inspired kitchen. At Five43, you're not just living - you're thriving.
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An Ideal Suburban Location
Life in Bel Air
Five43 boasts a prime location in Bel Air, situated less than 30 mile north of Baltimore. Enjoy seamless travel being just minutes from MD Route 24 (Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway), I-95, Route 1, and Conowingo Road. After your day out, retreat to the warm embrace of a small-town ambiance complemented by suburban conveniences. Just a short stroll from your doorstep, indulge in nearby shopping and dining or enjoy a picturesque walk along the Ma & Pa Heritage Trail.
Resort-Style Living
In Bel Air